So if you ever wonder what we do on the weekends, this is your lucky day (or if you are scared of the answer to this question, STOP READING NOW)!
Last Saturday, Women's Center staff members formed a team for NIU Cares Day - and had a blast. As part of our ongoing Selfless Saturdays efforts, we put on our do-goody pants and headed out to make a difference! These pictures are of us helping out (and having some fun too) while volunteering for the Children's Community Theatre. We sorted - and tried on - costumes and took LOTS and LOTS of pretty amazing pics. May I present Evidence A:
We make pretty much everything we're involved with as much fun as possible. Makes you wish you had joined Team WRC, doesn't it? Well, there's always next year.
And if you want in on what we do on the weekends, you're having an even luckier day. (If you don't, stop reading here.) Our beloved student staff member, Patrice, is graduating this May. Patrice has been here longer than ANY of the other staff members you see pictured here. We're showing our love for Patrice by attending her last concert as part of the Northern Black Choir THIS SUNDAY, April 26 at 6 p.m. We'll be meeting outside the Duke Ellington Ballroom before the concert, so we can sit together as the Official Patrice Fan Club. Feel free to join us! You don't want to make Patrice sad, do you?
two weddings and some feminism
15 years ago
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