While scouring the internet for fun articles for you all to read, I stumbled upon some interesting information that was news to me. Apparently President Obama is promising to ban abstinence-only sex education. The article, found on RHRealityCheck.com, details new plans to eliminate abstinence-only sex education. I think that this is a phenomenal initiative, and it closely relates to a program that Alex is putting on in the fall. If this topic is something you want to learn more about or discuss in greater depth, check out Alex’s program on Wednesday, September 9.
Repro Rights Movie Night
The WRC is partnering with Advocates for Choice, a campus-based organization that fights for women’s right to reproductive health access and accurate sex education. Together we’ll be screening The Education of Shelby Knox, a documentary about a young girl who rallies for comprehensive sex education. Stay for a dialogue about the film and ways that we can organize around reproductive rights issues at NIU.
TIME: 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Women’s Resource Center
CO-SPONSORED BY: Planned Parenthood of Illinois
Check it out!- it is sure to be informative and a really good time!
How refreshing...not to mention educational.