Next week the Women’s Resource Center, along with other co-sponsors, is presenting nationally-recognized trans-activist and speaker Julia Serano at Northern Illinois University. This is sure to be informative and edgy presentation. Details are as follows:
Rethinking Sexualization with Julia Serano
As a feminist, biologist and femme-identified trans-woman, Julia Serano has a unique perspective on feminine gender expression. Sexualization occurs when sexuality is non-consensually imposed upon a person, or when a person is reduced to their sexual body or behaviors. Julia moves beyond an examination of the ways in which women are often sexualized by men in our culture and explores less familiar forms of sexualization. Join the WRC and Julia Serano to learn why sexualization is such an effective tactic to intimidate and invalidate people and what we can do, as individuals, to confront and challenge sexualization.
DATE: Monday, March 22
TIME: 7-9 p.m.
LOCATION: Capitol Room, Holmes Student Center
Co-Sponsors: Psychology Department, Unity in Diversity, Presidential Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Campus Activities Board, Women’s Studies Program, and LGBT Studies.
Please attend and invite friends! Also, check out previous WRC blogs for more information related to Julia’s area of specialization:
two weddings and some feminism
15 years ago
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